#AdamAnalyzes #IOHO #Tampa #Podcast #TampaPodcast #ApplePodcasts #GooglePodcasts #Spotify #MoviePodcast #Podbean #FilmPodcast #Movies #Film #Streaming #HBO #HBOMAX #DCComics #DC #Comicbookfilm #ComicBook #Action #Drama #ManofSteel #BatmanvSuperman #DawnofJustice #JusticeLeague #JossticeLeague #Batman #Superman #WonderWoman #TheFlash #Aquaman #BenAffleck #Henr圜avil #GalGadot #EzraMiller #JasonMamoa #AmyAdams #JKSimmons #DianeLane #JesseEisenberg #LawrenceFishburn #ZackSnyder #Gotham #Metropolis #Snydercut #WarnerBros #AT&T #ReleasetheSnyderCut #JossWhedon

Have a listen & maybe a laugh at my take on Joss Whedon's Justice League!!
#Tv tropes my friend pedro movie#
Is it as bad as its reputation? Is it watchable? Is it a movie that I will watch over and over with fond memories about how this at least wasn't a "dark film"? I'm sure you can guess how I feel on this one.

Ineptly edited & crafted using only a tiny bit of director Zack Snyder's original film, this mostly Joss Whedon directed film is what was unleashed onto the world. own Frankenstein's monster of a film, Justice League. #AdamAnalyzes #IOHO #Tampa #Podcast #TampaPodcast #ApplePodcasts #GooglePodcasts #Spotify #MoviePodcast #Podbean #FilmPodcast #Movies #Film #Streaming #HBO #HBOMAX #WarnerBros #WB #Action #SciFi #Drama #Godzilla #GodzillaKingoftheMonsters #KingoftheMonsters #GodzillavsKong #KingKong #Kong #KyleChandler #MillieBobbyBrown #BrianTyreeHenry #RebeccaHall #SkullIsland #AlexanderSkarsgard #AdamWingard #LegendaryPictures #Kaiju #Gojira #Monsters #Titans #TOHO #Monsterverse #Epic #Theatre #Imax #MovieTheatre #RestoretheMonsterverse How did the smackdown between Godzilla and Kong turn out, in what may be the final entry in Legendary Pictures's Monsterverse? Spoilers are present so please watch this one on the biggest screen possible and then have a listen to see what I thought!! Of course Kong is King Kong in other movies but here he is simply Kong. This week I got to witness the battle between the giant radioactive lizard known as Godzilla and the giant not so radioactive gorilla known as Kong. #AdamAnalyzes #IOHO #Tampa #Podcast #TampaPodcast #ApplePodcasts #GooglePodcasts #Spotify #MoviePodcast #Podbean #FilmPodcast #Movies #Film #Action #Drama #FilmSeries #IndianaJones #Indy #KingdomoftheCrystalSkull #IndianaJonesandtheKingdomoftheCrystalSkull #Indy4 #CrystalSkull #ElDorado #Mayan #Mayans #MarionRavenwood #MuttWilliams #HarrisonFord #KarenAllen #ShiaLeBeouf #CateBlanchett #StevenSpielberg #GeorgeLucas #DavidKoepp #MacGuffin #Aliens #Area51 #Spaceship #B-movie Should this one be re-watched with a fresh mindset? Is this an actual bad movie or bad entry in the legacy of Indiana Jones? Find out on this week's episode, where I try to figure out if Spielberg & company, truly NUKED THE FRIDGE with this one!! While I may not share that opinion, I decided to dive in to why Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull has such a bad reputation amongst fans. For this episode, I went digging for what some people consider to be one of the worst movies of all time or worst entry in a film series.